Online registration closed, Now you can registration at venue on-Spot


At the outset we seek your full cooperation regarding time management of the conference. We are fully committed in this act.

    A. General specifications

  1. The E-poster will be displayed on standard 42”/50” (Diagonal) LCD
  2. File format should be Power Point (.PPT) Sample file – Click Here
  3. Total size of the presentation should not be exceed more than 20 MB
  4. Maximum number of slides per E-poster, should not exceed more than 6
  5. All slides should be in landscape format
  6. Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static PPT format only

    B. Design specifications

  1. The E-poster needs to be created as per the example format attached
    a. Each slide title should be placed in a title placeholder
    b. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and References
  2. The poster should be self-explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized
  3. It is suggested that font size of the text should be at least 26 to 36 point. The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica)
  4. The correct font size depends greatly on the fonts used in the ppt and the thumb rule should be that if its visible well on the computer screen it shall be visible on the E-Poster Display Screen.

    C. Color suggestions:

  1. When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green)
  2. When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan)
  3. Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read
  4. Illustrations/images/photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details Important:

    D. E-Poster sending guidelines

  1. E-Poster Presentation must be sent to NAPCON Hyderabad office by email before 20th November 2023
  2. E-email id for E-Poster:
  3. Kindly save the PPT file by your Abstract number, and attach
  4. Mention in the Email Subject: EPoster number, Abstract ID | Conference Registration Number
  5. EP Number, Abstract ID, Delegate Name, Conference Registration Number & Category must be mentioned in the mail message as well

    Guidelines for E-Poster Presentation:

  1. All E-posters will be displayed over 30 screens in chronological serial order starting from the first E-poster number for the Group slot.
  2. 5 screens will be kept for General viewing where all the E-posters of the session will be displayed.
  3. Each poster will be displayed for 30 minutes and examined for 5 mins during the time slot by the Judges.
  4. Each session will have session prizes for best posters.
  5. Candidates should come well-groomed with formal attire.
  6. Candidate should be present 30 minutes before their allocated time slot. If they miss their presentation slot, no rescheduling of their poster will be done.
  7. Ep-No. xxx / Ab-Id. xxxx / EPS 1-3 / Group A-L (Time slot)/ Day 1-3(Dt) to be noted from the EP SLOTS Grid, available on our website

For Any Queries Related to Schedule & Topic Please Contact Anand8826169003
For Any Queries Related to Registration Please Contact Rahul9810399003

Note: Registration is mandatory to present your E-Poster, please ensure you have registered for the conference if not please register your self to present E-Poster.